Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (March 23, 2023)

Dear shareholder:

Por acuerdo del Consejo de Administración de AUTORITAS CONSULTING S.A. y según sus estatutos sociales en relación a lo dispuesto en el art. 164.1 y 164.2 del Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2010 de 2 de julio, se ha convocado la Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas para su celebración en su domicilio social, c/ Doctor Manuel Candela 8, de la ciudad de Valencia, el día 23 de marzo de 2023 a las 17:00 horas en primera convocatoria. En el caso de que, por no haberse alcanzado el quórum legalmente necesario, aquella no hubiera podido celebrarse en la primera convocatoria ésta se realizará en segunda convocatoria el día 24 de marzo de 2023 en el mismo lugar y hora.


1st Examination and approval of the 2022 annual accounts.

2nd Review and approval of the management of the Board of Directors.

3rd Reading and approval, if applicable, of the Minutes of the meeting.

We remind you that, by virtue of the provisions of art. 272 of the Consolidated Text of the Capital Companies Law, from this call you can request the annual accounts that must be submitted for approval and examination, and that in accordance with article 287 of the same legal body, every partner has the right to examine at the registered office as well as requesting free delivery or shipping of the documentation.

Likewise, and as provided by the company’s statutes, you can also choose to:

a) propose your attendance by videoconference indicating your connection information at administracion@autoritas.es as provided in art. 128 of the Law, or

b) grant representation by sending a duly signed representation of the delegation.


In Valencia on February 23, 2023



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