Artificial Intelligence Consulting

Maximize your potential with tailor-made Artificial Intelligence solutions

At Autoritas Consulting, we help SMEs integrate artificial intelligence solutions designed to optimize processes, improve decision-making, and increase competitiveness. Our personalized approach ensures that digital transformation aligns with your specific business goals.

Infrastructure Assessment

We perform a thorough analysis of your current technological infrastructure, evaluating hardware, software, networks and processes, to determine their ability to integrate Artificial Intelligence solutions effectively. We identify strengths, weaknesses and upgrade needs

Designing Custom Models

Our AI experts design custom models and algorithms aligned with your specific strategic goals. These models are trained on your data and adjusted to your operational needs, ensuring a frictionless deployment that maximizes benefits.

Ongoing Training & Support

We provide comprehensive training to your team in the use and maintenance of the AI solutions implemented. In addition, we offer continuous technical support to ensure its optimal operation and agile resolution of any problems that may arise.

How do we do it?


Initial assessment to identify needs and set clear objectives.


Design of AI solutions tailored to specific requirements.


Development and configuration of custom AI models.


Performance testing and results-based adjustments.


Training and delivery of technical documentation.


Establishment of protocols for continuous monitoring and evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Kit Consulting
What is Kit Consulting?

Kit Consulting is a program subsidized by the Government of Spain that allows SMEs to hire specialized advisory services to advance their digital transformation. Autoritas has started the process to become an Adhered Digital Advisor.

Who can benefit from the Consulting Kit?

Spanish SMEs with between 10 and 249 employees can benefit. Temporary joint ventures, entities without legal personality and those that are already adhered digitizing agents are excluded.

What kind of help does the Consulting Kit offer?

It offers digital advice vouchers valued between €12,000 and €24,000, which are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until available funds are exhausted.

Are there any incompatibilities with other aids?

Yes, these grants are incompatible with any other subsidy, aid, income or resource that covers the same costs, coming from any public or private administration or entity.

What is the deadline for signing the service agreement?

The deadline for signing the first Agreement for the Provision of Advisory Services is up to three months from the notification of the granting of the aid, with a maximum period of 31 May 2025, unless otherwise specified in the call.

Where can I learn more about Kit Consulting?

For more information about the program, you can visit the Acelerapyme website.

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